Town Council Adopts a Policy on Canada Geese

Following complaints from a residents’ association and recent press coverage about visiting and resident Canada Geese at Maiden Erlegh Nature Reserve, Earley Town Council adopted a formal policy on 23rd March 2024, that sets out steps the Council will take to try to reduce the impact of the geese on nearby areas.


The Town Council recognises that Canada Geese are wild birds and that there are many factors which affect their behaviour, however the Council will continue its work to make the Nature Reserve attractive to a wide range of wildlife and will endeavour to increase the feeding opportunities within the reserve for them.


For many people the geese are a pleasure to see, and the Town Council is happy to advise local residents on simple measures which can be taken to deter the geese from venturing onto lawns and gardens.


Should residents have concerns or complaints about any of the Town Council’s sites, these should be directed to the Council at [email protected] and details of the policy can be found on our Council Documents page.