Earley Town Councillor Celebrates 30 Years of Service

At a recent meeting of Earley Town Council, members congratulated Cllr David Chopping on 30 years of continuous service on the Council.


Cllr Clive Jones, Leader of the Town Council said, “I found out earlier today that David has been a town councillor for a very long time, in fact it’s 30 years of continuous service. During this time Cllr Chopping has helped many residents and organisations in Earley.


For a number of years he was a lone voice on the council and today he continues to show us all that he still has a significant contribution to make to Earley Town Council and its residents. David was Chairman of the Town Council in 2004-7 and was the first Mayor of the town in 2005-7.


It’s a great pleasure to congratulate David on his 30 years continuous service. He’ll be around for a few more yet!


The whole council joined in with congratulating David on achieving this milestone.


The photo shows Cllr David Chopping with the current Mayor Cllr Anne Bassett, the Town Clerk Jo Friend and the Leader of the Town Council Cllr Clive Jones.