Healthy Child Programme

The Healthy Child Programme consists of two key services, health visiting and school nursing. Wokingham Borough Council have launched a survey on the WBC website which asks for feedback from families to ensure the services being provided are suitable for children and young people. There is also a separate survey for professionals who work alongside the Healthy Child Service who the council want to hear from to ensure that they are getting the support and advice needed, in a timely way that meets the needs of the families they are working with.


WBC want to make sure that:

* The services being provided are right for children, young people and families in Wokingham borough.

* That resident feel that children get the support and advice they need in a timely way that meets their needs. 


The survey should only take five minutes. The feedback provided will be confidential and will be used to inform future development of the service.


Alternatively, you can email your thoughts to [email protected]


The deadline for responses in 29th March 2021


Further information about health visiting and school nursing can be found at the Berkshire Healthcare website.