Healthwatch Caring During COVID-19

Many people across Wokingham Borough became unpaid carers overnight when lockdown was imposed in March, increasing their responsibilities to look after older, disabled or seriously ill loved ones and relatives instantly.   


Some carers found themselves in a particularly challenging position. Healthwatch Wokingham is launching its Caring During COVID-19 campaign to give unpaid carers a voice.


They want to hear what caring during the pandemic has been like and how things need to change going forward, particularly with the virus still in circulation.   


Neil Bolton-Heaton, Head of Healthwatch Wokingham, said: “Many unpaid carers have already told us their stories about caring during covid, these have included issues accessing services, medication and general support but also that their caring responsibilities have increased. Through our project “Caring During COVID-19” we want to have a greater understanding of the issues they face and would encourage all those caring for a family member or loved one to come forward and speak with us”. 


Carers can take part in the survey in a number of ways:   

Write to them at:    

Healthwatch Wokingham    

Town Hall, Market Place   
Wokingham, RG40 1AS